"Lars was hired as my student assistant for three and a half year from 1995 to 1998. Even by then he demonstrated originality and an impressive outlook over the scientific literature." Professor Jørgen Goul Andersen, Aalborg University
"A lot of us remember when first meeting you in the classroom. I think I can say that it was quite a cultural shock for most of us. I remember that I thought that you may have come from another planet or that you were undercover and we were participating in a reality program such as The Truman Show." A student, 2014
"Dear Lars:
I am in complete agreement with your statement on the Charlie Hebdo rallies.
Only a small number of American have spoken out in similar fashion about this
polarized counter-attack on Muslims. But at least also the Pope. (...)
You are welcome to quote me in agreement. -- Best wishes, Randall"
Randall Collins mail about my article after the attack on Charlie Hebdo in the swedish Dagens Arena, 2. February 2015