Social Science / Education


A World at Risk: Imp. Paradigm Shift Cultivate 21st Century Learners, 2015, Yong Zhao

Noam Chomsky - On Being Truly Educated, May 2015 

Three wrong-headed ideas driving reform of U.S. teaching force, June 2015, Valerie strauss

Diane Ravitch defends teachers and public education, 2011 

The Myth of Chinese Super Schools - and critique of tests, November 2014, Diane Ravitch

No Child Left Behind Has Harmed America, April 16, 2015. Thom Hartmann

Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Chomsky, Gardner & Della Chiesa Askwith Forum, 2013

Why we should be worried about current educational reforms. Dean's Lecture Series 2012.

USA: The Life of the Public School Teacher, 2011

Giroux: "When Schools Become Dead Zones of Imagination: A Critical Pedagogy, 2013

Diane Ravitch: Hoax Privatization Movement and Danger to Am's Public Schools, 2013

Knowledge Isn’t Power - Why more education may not increase payment, 23.Feb. Krugman

Presenting Reign of Error—Diane Ravitch's critique of privatized education, 2013. Economic Policy Institute. In Reign of Error, Ravitch argues that the crisis in American education is not a crisis of academic achievement, as public school test scores and graduation rates are the highest they have ever been and dropout rates are at their lowest point. Instead, she argues that the real crisis is a concerted effort to destroy public schools. Federal programs like George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind and Barack Obama's Race to the Top "set unreasonable targets for American students, punish schools, and result in teachers being fired if their students underperform." (Random House)