About/Blog / Economic support to my work
Sociology is socially weak and all the weaker, no doubt, the more scientific it is. (But) any political program that fails the possibilities for action that science can help uncover, can be guilty of non-assistance to a person in danger.
Pierre Bourdieu


På Dansk

Jeg har nu i tyve år arbejdet på at kunne forstå og forklare den enorme omvæltning, der skete da de europæiske lande gik fra at være 'socialistiske' og 'socialdemokratiske' til at blive neoliberalistiske. Det sidste år næsten uden at tjene en krone (jeg har tjent ca. 17.000 kr det sidste års tid). Jeg har brug for økonomisk støtte.
Jeg er også meget interesseret i at blive hyret til foredrag og oplæg mv. Se min side her: præsentation af mulige foredrag.
Uanset hvad, så læs, del og download meget gerne min aktuelle artikel: Hvordan det neoliberale etablissement kupper den danske stat - jeg vil gøre teksten til en bog.

In English 

My site is a public resource page. The idea is to research and collect reliable information so that people can resist the corporate media's framing of 'political necessities' fabricated for neoliberal politicians and corporate power relations. 
Every donation is a welcome sign of support. And I need it. I have not earned a penny, literally, the past year. Even though I work more than most people.
Yours sincerely
Lars Jørgensen, sociologist, Denmark


Due to the Danish government latest policy proposal of up to 12 years imprisonment for sharing critical information on NATO, I now delete my paypal and bank information. I can not risk that someone puts in money on my account, and that it later be used against me - as 'evidence' that I am working for some 'foreign government'. 
If you would like to support my work financially, please contact me. 
Lars Jorgensen, October 14, 2018