Western Promotion of ISIS
Saudi Arabia, ISIS Terror & Wahabbist Trojan Horse |
"Wahhabism, a messianic radicalism that arose in the 18th century, hopes to restore a fantasized caliphate centered on a desert, a sacred book, and two holy sites, Mecca and Medina. Born in massacre and blood, it manifests itself in a surreal relationship with women, a prohibition against non-Muslims treading on sacred territory, and ferocious religious laws. That translates into an obsessive hatred of imagery and representation and therefore art, but also of the body, nakedness and freedom. Saudi Arabia is a Daesh that has made it. - The West’s denial regarding Saudi Arabia is striking: It salutes the theocracy as its ally but pretends not to notice that it is the world’s chief ideological sponsor of Islamist culture. The younger generations of radicals in the so-called Arab world were not born jihadists. They were suckled in the bosom of Fatwa Valley, a kind of Islamist Vatican with a vast industry that produces theologians, religious laws, books, and aggressive editorial policies and media campaigns. (..) There are thousands of Islamist newspapers and clergies that impose a unitary vision of the world, tradition and clothing on the public space, on the wording of the government’s laws and on the rituals of a society they deem to be contaminated. - It is worth reading certain Islamist newspapers to see their reactions to the attacks in Paris. The West is cast as a land of “infidels”."
'The New York Times has recently published an article [article above] describing the terrorist group of Daesh as Black Daesh and Saudi Arabia as White Daesh. Both have many things in common.' 10 minutes: Black Daesh, White Daesh, 2017
"In actual fact there are unmistakable parallels between IS and Wahhabism. This is seen clearly if one looks at the text books used by schoolchildren in the Saudi kingdom, up until a few years ago, and where they got their religious world view. "Every other religion apart from Islam is false", they read in the introductory text book. (..) Saudi Arabia exports its version of Sunni Islam with the utmost consequence. In the last 25 years a former US ambassador estimated in a published study in 2007 that the kingdom had invested at least 87 billion dollars in religious propaganda worldwide. This sum, he thinks, may even have increased further due to the high price of oil over an extended period." Godfather of terror: Saudi Arabia and 'IS', 2015, Deutsche Welle
"Susanne Schröter [Frankfurt University]: It has long been known that Saudi Arabia has been exporting Wahhabist ideology - largely similar to the ideology of the so-called "Islamic State" (IS). Propaganda material and organizational expertise are being sent along with money. People are being hired to build mosques, educational institutions, cultural centers and similar organizations, so that Wahhabist theology can reach the public – with great success. (..) The result is that, in many parts of the world, a radical form of Islam is gaining the upper hand. I have experienced this first hand in Southeast Asia. In southern Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and sometimes Malaysia, it was always said that a special form of Islam was practiced, a much more open, much more tolerant version. There has been a dramatic development towards radicalism over the past three decades. It is perfectly clear that this development has been encouraged by Saudi money. Moreover, young intellectuals have been recruited with generous scholarships at Saudi universities. These people return to their homes after having studied at Saudi universities and suddenly carry out Wahhabi missionary work in all their home countries. " Saudi Arabia exports extremism to many countries - including Germany, study says. 2017, Deutsche Welle
"Norway's former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Carl Schiøtz Wibye (..) explains how oil money has been fuelled into exporting radical ideology, which first permeated the Middle East and now is fuelling hatred between groups in Europe and the West. The problem being, of course, that Saudi Arabia is a stern ally to the US and allies with it in the recent Middle Eastern wars, which prolongs the problem." Saudi Arabia and Wahhabi Extremism, 2017, Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Carl S. Wibye, Herland Report
“Finally we got a book that tells us “what the hell is going on”! The earlier ambassador of Norway to Saudi-Arabia, Carl Schiøtz Wibye (70), has spent his 2 years quarantine after 40 years in the diplomacy – to write a book where fragmentary news about the activities of the islamists are finally placed in a landscape, in a context, in the line of history – so we at last can know what has been going on, and what is going on right now, because he brings everything very much up to date. (...) The steadily more widespread global terrorism can be traced directly back to the active mission activities of Salafism and Wahabism that for a whole generation was carried on the back of a massive economical support from the Gulf states, primarily Saudi-Arabia.” Review. 'Bookbomb: The Kingdom of Terror.', 2017, (Book Norwegian) / / By Dordi Skuggevik Tande
"Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS. Emails released by WikiLeaks add to the growing body of evidence that Gulf regimes have backed the Islamic State. 2014, Salon
"In the pursuit of their vicious cause there are no depths of barbarity to which the jihadists of Islamic State will not sink. (...) In response to this threat the Government has promised to examine "all options" to secure his release, including the potential use of the SAS. But this pose is hopelessly unconvincing. For the truth is that our politicians have been pathetically unwilling to face the brutal reality of Islamic fundamentalism." Why do we back regimes in Qatar and Saudi Arabia?, 2014, Daily Express
NATO Nations Involvement/Backing Saudi Arabia & ISIS Middle East. While saying they fight ISIS, they actually fund, arm, protect & bomb for ISIS (HS links below). The So-called ISIS terror in the West could be a Gladio 2 to give NATO reason to 'interfere' in the Middle East.
See HS page NATO's Phoenix. And see this article on how German politicians have lied big time for NATO in Yugoslavia. Today NATO's 'forked tongue' policy is in action on Syria, Iraq etc.: 'Germany's Gabriel says 'Islamic State' 'can and must' be destroyed': German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has told a newspaper that the aim of military intervention in Syria is to stop the advance of 'IS.' NATO's secretary-general has also called for the jihadi group to be destroyed. (...) Gabriel's call for decisive action against "IS" echoed remarks made by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg to the same newspaper on Sunday. (...) The German minister, however, also added that Saudi financing for foreign fundamentalist Islamic groups needed to stop." 2015, Deutsche Welle
Academic Literature on Islam vs. Wahabbism
"In The Great Theft, Khaled Abou El Fadl, one of the world's preeminent Islamic scholars, argues that Islam is currently passing through a transformative period no less dramatic than the movements that swept through Europe during the Reformation. At this critical juncture there are two completely opposed worldviews within Islam competing to define this great world religion. The stakes have never been higher, and the future of the Muslim world hangs in the balance.
Drawing on the rich tradition of Islamic history and law, The Great Theft is an impassioned defense of Islam against the encroaching power of the extremists. As an accomplished Islamic jurist, Abou El Fadl roots his arguments in long-standing historical legal debates and delineates point by point the beliefs and practices of moderate Muslims, distinguishing these tenets from the corrupting influences of the extremists. From the role of women in Islam to the nature of jihad, from democracy and human rights to terrorism and warfare, Abou El Fadl builds a vital vision for a moderate Islam. At long last, the great majority of Muslims who oppose extremism have a desperately needed voice to help reclaim Islam's great moral tradition." The Great Theft: Wrestling Islam from the Extremists, 2009, by Khaled M. Abou El Fadl
History: Britain & Saudi A

US and UK is Behind Saudi Arabia Extremism & Terror
Arizona Sen. cand.: "McCain, Obama, Clinton creating, arming ISIS", 2016 US Vice President Joe Biden: ISIS terrorists armed by Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, 2015, UAE Clinton & ISIS funded by same money', 2016, Assange, Pilger / Video
"At UN Human Rights Council, Saudi Arabia Supports Right To Torture & Execute LGBT People. The Gulf kingdom, where homosexuality is punishable by beheading, objected to a report by the special rapporteur on torture because extending human rights protections to LGBT people “lacked any ground in international law.” 2016, Link
Saudi Arabia Funds Taliban
NEWS? Russia & Saudia Arab